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The Feminine Urge to Hug Toxic Masculinity Away

Updated: Mar 27, 2023


So, this month I was planning to talk about a completely different subject matter until I had an argument war online with people ranging in all ages and genders.

Why Lester? You may ask….

Well because I called out a famous actor for behaving like a predator, based on his sexual partners from the last 25 years.

Based on behaviour exhibited by him and many other sexual predators.

Yet, the love born from fandom is completely blinding for some. ( º﹃º )

The worst part of it is, I just kept going.

Seriously, I couldn’t help myself. My love of women and righteousness blinds my better judgment, and I kept responding. Even young women defended the famous person... Spoke as if his behaviour is natural and okay. (psychologically a part of them also wishes to be that actor's next victim.) This is a judgment and a fair one, the repeated behaviour is only one sign of sexual deviance. His character, race and age only add more weight to the point. ( ̄x ̄;)

But people don’t like ugly truths. especially in the film industry.

It ruins the fantasy and cheapens the distraction.

I always wondered why we believe other people are better or more important, even when I hated myself, the notion feels unnatural. The Royal family, Hollywood, politics… All these positions are meant to serve the masses, but from up until this point... They only have behaved as people do, you know, mortal.

So how exactly are they above reproach me brain ponders. \(゚ー゚\)

Toxic masculinity has many parents, but Hollywood is certainly a major contributor. It is so rampant that even women don’t recognize it when they are participating in it. I only became aware of my own about a decade ago, and I am still working on it. So, I get it, there feels like a lot of things need righting nowadays, and the weight of it feels a bit much. So to talk about it can be exhausting, emotionally draining and more importantly too large to carry alone. It’s because we aren’t supposed to.

Not one of us got our own island when we arrived last I checked, nor did we ask to be here. So is it fair to say, we are all participating in this, without consent.

That doesn't mean we have to be such dicks about it. (︶︹︺)

I wish we all grew with the knowledge that there is strength in vulnerability and the necessity of accountability. That there is ONLY inner peace when understanding emotions. Since only allowing one gender this reality, was and is, a violation of the human spirit. I understand the hormonal differences in gender, but when understanding that gender is fluid, that also means any feeling or behaviour, of any gender, is also up for debate. Testosterone may create more aggressive responses but doesn’t that also mean you need to learn how to navigate them?

Isn’t acting on feeling without thinking, impulsive and destructive?

When children act inappropriately don’t we correct them? ಠ_ಠ

In raising my younger human, I had to ask myself a lot of these things. Since I myself have challenges with my own gender identity, I didn’t want to infect my son with any idea of what that is. Some would say that was a reckless way to raise a young man.

And to them, I challenge why?

My son cleans and cooks, speaks his mind, cries when he’s sad, and loves pink and face masks. He is also super aggro and going through major physical changes that require sleep and gentleness. I don’t want him to think his aggressiveness is wrong. I only want him to understand it like he does his other emotions so that he too can navigate this life without being tormented by baser desires.

By ignoring how hormones affect our minds, and our moods, isn't it more proactive to utilize them rather than condemn? Don't we learn more by observing? And within that argument isn’t it also important to recognize the many things that direct feelings, incur our wrath, and inspire our darkest parts?

When we ignore these things don’t we instead create fear, shame, and deviance? (ó﹏ò。)

Since we allowed this behaviour to go unchecked for so long, is that why it is so hard to reject it? Can we not find ways to acknowledge the past as a developmental flaw instead of continuing to blame and villainize those who came before us? Is it really so bad to apologize to these lost men and women, admitting what was, is no longer relative to a future where we are ALL accountable for one another? I know it seems far-fetched, but don't these people only feel lost and prefer the comfort of their dysfunction rather than meet us in elevation, because it breaks their brains to operate otherwise?

I mean it’s not their fault if they are too basic to understand simple physics. It’s also hard to gain favour with people who find a spectrum threatening, and believe a personal venture is a group discussion.

But I have strayed from my original thought.

In order for there to be a change in the 'battle of the sexes' wouldn't it be prudent to first put down the weapons of mass extinction?

Asking for a friend.

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