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Colonized Mind AKA The Wonderbread Syndrome.

Updated: Apr 8

Hiya, been a few weeks I know.

。゚· (>﹏<) ·゚。

I am grateful for your patience as I fumble through my journey as a fully functional writer/ human. These last few months have been hairy at best, I have traveled betwix my hometown and current one in the hopes to find the culprit responsible for the chest tightnesss and heart palpitations. Do not fret dear reader, I am still here to ruffle feathers and make light of the ugly truths, yet another day.

For example: This months blog. (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

For those of you who dont know me I am the result of many cultures, brought to you by sexytimes and slavery. Most of my genetics are from people that have been oppressed or enslaved one way or another, with a dash of dutch to even out the generational trauma. I have had to face a lot of harsh realities at a young age in the 90's. When there was very clear lines between black and white and according to both sides of the pond, I was neither. Being acceptable to others became important to me, so my education was harsh and completely immersive. I didnt understand why most people treated me that way, especially when they were kind when I was small and thin.

I mean, why hate a child for not fitting some perceived normalcy based on skin tone or size, right?

It was a hard go for a while, but I learned a lot about society vs. individuals and how similar we all truly are. ꈍ .̮ ꈍ

In order to cope, I spent most of my teenage years skipping school, going to the library or loitering in book stores. I dived head first into theology, neuroscience and psychology, trying hard to understand why humanity behaved the way it did. I realized I wasn't the only one suffering from societies harsh mainframe. That most, if not all of us, are mentally ill because of colonization. That the nature of life may be creation, but comparatively, we as humans historically have used shame to nurture it.

Media at this time was being curated by people like Bill Nye the Science Guy, Oprah and Will Smith. Race was a hot topic and had been for a while yes, but this was the first time in history that black people were given a platform outside of the narrative forced upon us. Suddenly POC's were on tv and often. The network BET became international, shows like In Living Colour, Living Single, A Different World and The Cosby Show had started a new conversation. That Black people could be educated, wealthy, and be abundant in their own right.

This changed a lot of perceptions. ♡( ◡‿◡ )

Television and music was changing, evolving. Pop culture was being influenced by people of colour, from hip hop to Bollywood, it was a beautiful thing. Until Rodney King, it looked like things were getting better. Alas, hatred resurfaced because of the violence pointed towards a black America, driving yet a new wedge between people of differing backgrounds.

Now I could go on about racism, I have in a previous blog [ Im only going to say this once, its about 6 or so blogs back if you're interested (¬‿¬ ) ]. But that's not what this is about, although it does have some of the same elements, since most of our social issues have foundations in racial inequity. No, no, this blog is more about the blame we place on the 'white' person when this is the reality of living in a first world.

Colonized Mind AKA Wonderbread Syndrome: Is the deeply rooted belief that a level of rich whiteness gives someone privilege, and or, freedom from accountability. That an individual is above reproach based on that visibility, more importantly within a certain financial bracket. This lifestyle is founded on unsustainable practices and completely inhumane, since it relies on the many sacrificing for the benefit of few. It's the idea that an individuals things are more relevant than our natural and collective requirements, it usually abuses the aforementioned at the sake of the latter.

We now know that colonization created poisonous seeds of thought. One being that POC's and indigenous people's were unintelligent & uncivilized. That any culture that did not adhere to the colonizers rules( IE Christianity and 'polite society') was considered savage. That falsehood carried on throughout the ages and now our current reality is riddled with that small minded belief. As we attempt to fix the state of our planet with the same knowledge that was once considered wild. ¯\_(⌣̯̀ ⌣́)_/¯

So here we are, in a social environment torn by the idea of righteousness, believing in a lifestyle that only few achieve, as the masses fight amongst themselves for taste of it. Heavy right. I know. Lordt knows I don't want the responsibility. I'll hold ya, through this next part if you need me too, but I promise it's gunna be okay.

Freedom means recognizing we are all slaves to an unrealistic class system and working together will change that.

I believe in the creative spirit of humanity. ╰(⸝⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝⸝)╯

We are the collected knowledge of our forebarers and only 9% of our history is recorded, imagine how much knowledge we have buried deep within us. All the earthly alchemy lost to us because we gave more validity to money and science rather than an innate knowledge of the natural mystic. Yet, both are principal to our existence here.

Civilization is re-collaborating, or on the precipice of great change, so, what a wonderful time to be alive! To be the witnesses to an elevation of mind & spirit.

Humanity seems to be cultivating a life synchronized with science and the unexplained. Youtube has become almost a 'live library' of the human experience, exploring ideas and thoughts in real time. As we continue to find one another through different cultures and the love of knowledge, it deepens the intelligence of our combined possibility. Since the whole of human experience is generational, not individual like we were taught, great undertakings can be achieved within a lifespan. We also know for a fact that life cannot be manufactured or programmed thanks to consumerism, life is simply not sustainable under these conditions.

So whats the point Lester? You may ask, annoyed by my soap box.

And I get it. I meander around sometimes ( ꈍ  .̮ ꈍ )

That colonized mind, or wonderbread syndrome is but a fraction of people, unfortunately they loud AF because they have been catered too for a really long time.

Thank goodness COVID-19 changed a bunch, for a lot of people. We were given an opportunity unlike any other and it was felt world wide. We witnessed nature without our daily impact, saw how it thrived and how we flourished as a collective. We were reminded how precious our lives are, lived, rather than scheduled. That kinda shizz sticks to people subconsciously, thankfully this seed was implanted by reality and not by human indoctrination.

Which means It breathes, and has its own influence, much like a revolution.

Do you think I need to start making picketing signs?

Asking for a friend.

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