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Napping on Cumulus, Sliding on a Sky Kaleidoscope.

Updated: Dec 2, 2023

So ya, hi.

A lot has happened and yet, nothing at all... HBU?

You good? The weather fucking with you yet?

Ya sorry, not good at the small talk. I am trying to find a way to ease into this topic, but alas, the only way forward is to just let it all out.. ya know? Really just go ahead and giver.

It's this whole life thing, amirite? ( ˶⚈ Ɛ ⚈˵ )

I understand that spiritual enlightenment and manifestation is possible, so why it I can't I side down rainbows or sleep on clouds? If matter makes up everything and we only need to understand physics on a more intimate and organic level rather than a structured one, isn't that possible in theory? This isn't a hard ask, especially when indentured slavery and world wide classism is deemed a normalcy. As far as I am concerned that shit is far more ridiculous a notion.

¯\_(⌣̯̀ ⌣́)_/¯

Granted I am no guru of any kind, yet, I am sure there are years of servitude and humbling myself, learning and unlearning that I must do, like the many other spiritual adventurists. That in order for me to be able to yield energy magic, I need to surrender to a higher power and devote my time to its message. Here's the thing though, I feel like I already do that. No joke, I have certainly been celibate long enough.... isn't 8 months enough? No?...


Well that's cool, I got the faith man, and if all else fails, astral projection can get me halfway there. That or death. Death is not the end goal, or maybe it is. •✞_✞•


Religion, Spiritual Modalities.... Theology, these things have always interested me. Something no 13 year needs to be obsessed with in truth, yet, into my high school years my way of acting out was tormenting my religion teacher ( an ex nun) with questions on the validity of the bible, as well as using hard drugs and having sex with girls. A undercover punk in fat nerd clothing. For real though, I have even questioned Jehovah's witnesses about their reasoning behind their recruitment strategies. Not a proud moment personally, knowing what I know now. But the truth of the human version of 'God' was always a morbid fascination and I am not sure why.

That's not completely true, I do know why. ╭( ๐_๐)╮

It's the written word that got me buggin'. The act in which a human being, or many contributing to writing these works, is why I question the validity. No matter how you slice it, a human being wrote these stories, shared by word of mouth over a millennia. That's a major game of broken telephone if you ask me, never mind the simple truth that the winners write history,. It makes ya wonder, how much of the picture are we really missing?.

I still believe in something, so I am not dismissing any spiritual exploration we have done over our time here on earth. It just feels limiting and backwards to only believe one has the answer, when so many exist, especially on a subject matter that is determinably unlimited. The vastness of space is a living metaphor of what we know on the subject matter of creation, in relation to earth of course. Science has a lot to help explain, but it suffers the same fate of anything invented by the human mind. ( math is prob the only true language of the universe, but that's another conversation) All I am saying is that the mysticism behind the origin of life has become a growing library and I think more truths lie somewhere between science and spirituality. That we need all perspectives to see the whole picture.

We have more knowledge with every generation, and each evolution brings us closer to understanding ourselves better. Since existence is not over, we can't possibly see the whole picture. There are observations that have yet to be discovered, new plateaus of thinking to reach, new ways in which to travel our environment, including space. There is so much for us to still understand, so what holds humanity back from a global awakening? (;° ロ°)

It's not like the proof isn't there, it's just everywhere, in all studies.

Could it be that we ourselves, are the expression of the universe itself. Because It took billions of years to create our solar system, and too create the solar system around that. That if 'God' is creation, and we are always in a state of creating, that humanity is indeed the vocalized expression of creation ( god, energy...ect) and with that logic, every consciousness in a body is.

Did I loose you? ♡( •ॢ◡-ॢ)✧˖° ♡

I see it like this..Yes, we are insignificant as individuals, but also essential in the expression of the universe as a whole. So WE, as a unit are in fact, omnipotent. We are but zygotes in the vastness of space itself, yet it took a vastness of space in order to create this planet we reside on. We shape one another. We invented culture, scripture and time, we create boundaries, believe in ownership... All so that we experience one another in a controlled environment. Again a controlled experience, because we still believe in some kind of control, because fear still pushes a lot of our narritive as a global society.

I am not trying to make this a sad thing, humanity is also incredibly resilient, can manifest the most incredible magic. Inventions that defy reason, production that can feed, clothe and house everyone reasonably. What I find incredibly frustrating is how committed we are too avoiding harsh realities. I would love to help shake up our collective experience. Something with real consequences towards a necessary shift, like the abolishment of money and racism. OH, or maybe cancel the class system all together!

I realize that one controls the other, but the tool money could have been, has no value today. It has no set worth anymore since the removal of the gold standard. Now we all fight for it like it can nourish our body and feed future generations like sustainable tools can. . ¯\_(⌣̯̀ ⌣́)_/¯

The faith we put in money, the power WE give it, is what makes it powerful. We invented it, and use it in ways that make me wonder why a devil is considered more frightening than a billionaire. Why religious houses aren't looked at with the same discretion as history or science has, with a multitude of unbiased opinions over hours of observation. If we scrutinized the church as we do theory and reason, what new world would we live in?

Could a Utopia exist if we recognized the flaw in this version of creativity? and instead looked more toward the realities of our creation. If we saw science and 'god' as unified, could we then slide on refracted sun-rays and slumber on cumulus?

Asking for a friend.

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